Cabernet Exploration Experience


Total $395

カベルネ エクスプロレーション エクスペリエンスには、あらゆる高級ワイン愛好家の味覚をそそる、カベルネ ソーヴィニヨンの 3 つのユニークな高級表現が含まれています。

2018 Oakville Estates Cabernet Sauvignon - Waves of vibrantly fresh fruit characteristics elevated by mouthwatering acidity 

2018 To Kalon Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon - Flowing beautifully from start to finish, this wine is deep, vivacious, and delectably juicy.

2019 Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon - Bright acidity and fine tannins complimented by stunningly vibrant fruit notes

ABV 14.5%